Dizzy Lord

Dizzy Lord

Karel Ondráček aka Solaris104 put up Dizzy Lord to me. Object names was stored as plain text but dialogs was encrypted (fortunately only by XOR). I don't know hungrian language so I asked my friend Richard Gábor Tarjan to translate hungarian texts to english. But menaing of some sentences wasn't clear after all. So I wanted to ask for help author of the game but I couldn't found contact to him. Finally I found contact to Endre Barath, author of the Enterprise 128 version which helped me to interpret unclear sentences readily. Pavero joined to team and with help of Badbeard checked correctness of english. There was two sprites with text and texts on welcome screen too. I edited sprites by Spectrum Graphics Editor. Texts on welcome screen I modified using Art Studio and little program from UB880D to capture font from screen.

Space row
bottom border
Delta Back Back Stránka v slovenčine